quarta-feira, 9 de janeiro de 2013

Style Inspiration #10 - Maffashion

A blogger desta semana, é a Juliett Kuczunska - Maffashion, uma Polaca cheia de estilo!

Juliett não se deixar levar totalmente pelas tendências, tem o seu próprio estilo, veste aquilo que quer dependendo somente do seu mood!

É totalmente diferente das outras bloggers que já fizeram parte desta rubrica, marca a diferença com a sua ousadia e irreverência! Dá gosto de visitar blogs destes, os diferentes, aqueles que com qualquer pequeno detalhe nos inspiram! :)

photos from MAFFASHION 

Love, A*


This week the blogger is Juliett Kuczynska, from the blog Maffashion, she's a Polish blogger!

Juliett isn't totally swayed by trends, she have her own style, wearing only what she wants depending only on her mood!

She's totally different from other bloggers that have passed here on my blog! She's different because she's full of boldness and irreverence! I like visit blogs like these, different that inspire us with every little detail :)

1 comentário:

  1. She always looks stunning.

    I have some news for you:
    Would you like to go to New York Fashion Week?
    I don´t know if you already voted for me, but if not, you have still 2 more days to vote for my look and make me win the trip and you to the big apple.
    Here is the link to it http://www.fashiolista.com/blogger-battle/MissKL_Blogger_Battle_NYFW_2013/
    and you can find my outfit on my blog! Thanks for taking your time.
    It means a lot to me.
